Easter in Osijek
Easter fair called “City Colours in Coloured Ester Eggs” takes place in the city centre.It starts at Palm Sunday and last throughout the big week.
Festival of different Easter customs of numerous ethnic groups living in Osijek is also a part of the program. You can see how Easter is celebrated by Croats, Serbs, Hungarians, Germans, Slovaks, Checks, Ukraine, Russians and other ethnic groups. All is accompanied by rich musical and art program as well as a fair with craft products of various farms and workshops from the town and its vicinity.
In the week before Easter, until Easter Monday, the “Easter Tram” full of fun and gifts takes children around the town. During the ride they can watch and participate in a marry children’s play. On Big Saturday the main city square gets full of Easter Bunnies on their motorbikes, around hundred of them, bringing sweet gifts for the kids.
On Easter Monday Osijek Zoo opens the “Zoo Land”, full of fun for kids from various workshops to another marry play. At the same time their parents can enjoy in the first warm spring sun sitting on the large Zoo Restaurant terrace.
Easter weekend is usually the official opening of the Drava crossing season by the unique “Kompa”, a kind of ferry, which takes you to the Zoo Garden and back to Osijek.